Strategic Collaborative for Mom+Professional and Mom-Prenuers

Network Build Grow is excited to announce our newest Strategic Collaborative…for Moms who are also an entrepreneur or a professional. Whether your kids are 6 months old or 18 years old – if they are living at home and you are trying to also work or run a business – this is your group!

The struggle and the juggling act are REAL! And you are not alone…

We want to provide a space for you to collaborate with other professional Mom friends who get the struggle and the value of the business aspect of you life.

Topics like:
Time management
Balancing work and family
Mom guilt!
How to keep your focus
Imposter Syndrome and more will be discussed.

A Strategic Collaborative is a time to bring together business owners and entrepreneurs to mastermind around issues, challenges and triumphs within a certain industry or affinity group.

There are many unique and challenging obstacles for people who want to build a business on the side of a full-time job. This group is designed to not only provide ‘after-normal-working-hours’ events and ways to build your network, but a variety of experts and resources to help you get your business off the ground or to the next level.


Jan 24 2022


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

More Info

Register Here
Register Here
