Words, Words Everywhere…But Will Anyone Even Read It?

We all use words in our business.

You use words for nearly everything.

  • Emails
  • Websites
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Proposals
  • Blogs
  • Product Descriptions

Your business runs on words. But do your words increase your numbers?

Are you meeting your goals for leads, clients, customers, revenue with your words? Or are you just writing more stuff that doesn’t actually do anything?

Are you writing or are you copywriting?

When I tell people that I’m a copywriter, most people think I’m saying “copyright-er”. 

No. That’s a lawyer. 

I write – copy.

Copy is the category of words that you use to persuade someone to buy something. This includes: everything on the list at the top of the page. 

And until you understand that copy is PERSUASIVE WRITING, you are only writing content.

Content has the goal of entertaining, educating, building trust even. But it is not always persuasive. It doesn’t compel the reader to take action. It’s not selling anything. 

You can be a fantastic writer. A great content writer even. But copywriting is its own animal. 

Content gets you followers.

Copy gets you sales.

So how do you write good copy?

Copywriting is a valuable skill. It takes research, strategy, and tools to do it well.

Lucky for you, I’m going to give a couple easy cheat codes to upgrade your skills right here!

I’m going to give you 4 tips that will instantly increase reader engagement.

The 4 things to pay attention to are:





Sure Headlines are important, but how important are they really? I mean, does it even matter as long as I tell people what I’m talking about?

Did you actually read every word on the headline above this? 

Be honest, did you kinda skim it or read every word?

Chances are high that you skimmed it. There’s probably even some of you who just skipped over it and jumped to the first question in normal-sized text.

Do you know why?

Because it was too long. That’s your first lesson. Length matters. 

Look at the following example:

The words are the same in this picture. But you can read the second one so much easier. You are more likely to actually keep reading if you saw the second one versus the first one. 


Because our brain is lazy.

It doesn’t like to read all the way across the page. 

It likes to be told what is important. 

The design of the second headline gives our brain that extra support by showing us what to read. 

It’s highly likely that you only read the words: 5 Simple Ways. Website. More Attractive. Right Now. 

Your brain filled in the rest. 

Make your headlines short. Or use design to make them more readable. 


When you are writing sentences for your copy….stop writing like it’s a resume or academic paper or a contract.

Write like you are having a conversation. 

Do you speak in grammatically correct sentences? Probs not, boo. 

You don’t have to write long sentences. Without punctuation.

Use punctuation to show the reader your speaking rhythm. 

If you pause. Show the reader. 

They will judge you for your/you’re and academics might be mad that you dangled something somewhere. 

But most people. Normal people. The people who buy things. 

They want you to have personality. 

You know what doesn’t have personality? Grammatically correct punctuation.

Have you noticed it yet?

This is the part where I tell you about paragraphs.

Have you noticed it yet?

I’ve purposefully used 1-2…..MAAAAAAYBE 3 grammatically incorrect sentences per paragraph in this post.

Do you know why?

That’s right. It’s easier to read. 

I’m happy to write a huge paragraph where I expand on my ideas and add unnecessary words, but the reality is that when I write copy, I’m not trying to paint you a picture or build on complex concepts. I’m not trying to tell you a story in chapter book form. I have your attention for 5 minutes. Maybe. I’m going to make it as easy for you to keep reading what I’m saying as possible. 

Now, you may have read that whole paragraph just then (even when you didn’t take the time to read that one line headline up above).

But I spent the entire rest of this post making it easy for you and giving you value. So reading a “slightly” longer paragraph was worth it for you because you trust me now. 

So what now?

You are going to begin to notice the formatting of the copy that you read. 

You are going to notice that you actually read the emails that break up every sentence into a new paragraph and keep their words to a minimum. 

You are going to notice that more people respond to your written content when you use these tips. 

But how do you then leverage that increased engagement to sales?

By telling the reader exactly what to do next. 

Be strategic. Know your goal and the next step the reader has to take to get there. 

If you want them to respond to your email. Tell them to respond to your email. 

Don’t be polite. Or hedge. Or add words that just muddle your directions. 

Give them clear and concise directions on what to do next. 

Call me. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Click here.

Get your FREE gift now. 

Can I call you at 9:30am next Thursday?

I want a divorce. Call a lawyer.

Copywriting is a skill. 

A lot of business owners try to write their own copy. 

That’s cool. You do you. But you’ll spend hours of your time wondering how to make it better and then get mad when no one actually reads it. 

We’re entrepreneurs. We are great at doing extra work for no profit, right? That’s obviously why we signed up for this gig.
When you get tired of that, let me know. This is what I do. Along with a lot of extra work for no profit.

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  1. Enjoyed reading this and actually laughed out loud a little. I refuse to compliment you on what you do because you already know that you are an expert in this field. 😉 But I will say — I learned something reading through this and for that, I thank you. Cheers!

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