I Just Don’t Wanna!

This JOURNEY is awful!  I don’t want to do it anymore!

You have heard me say many times – enjoy the journey, don’t focus on the ultimate goal, emerse yourself in and experience each small success.  But what about those times when the journey becomes an uphill battle.  What about when you just want to detour and take a different road altogether.  What about when you want to QUIT!

If you are an entrepreneur, you will hear it…that faint whisper that even sometimes shouts at you:

                You are being irresponsible!  Just go get a J-O-B

                You can’t do this – your not smart enough, creative enough, (fill in your “not enough” statement)

                Your dream is stupid – what were you thinking?

                Are you crazy!?!?!?!?!

So you listen to podcasts, read books, attend seminars, hire a coach – and they all say the same thing:

                Believe in Yourself

                This is a million-dollar idea – you just have to work your plan

                Rome wasn’t built in a day – stick with it – keep your eye on the ball

                Change your mindset and change your life

But, self-doubt and fear are ugly things.  And sitting in a chair, believing in yourself and your dreams, working the plan and trying to enjoy the journey isn’t always a realistic strategy that leads to success 100% of the time. 

If you don’t have what you want now why are you so worried about failing? 

Sometimes the road is twisting and turning so much you feel like throwing up.  Sometimes you are stuck in a forest of trees that are overwhelming and the only way out is through them – but you don’t have a map.  Sometimes you simply just DON’T KNOW what to do.

“The difference in winning and losing is most often not quitting.” – Walt Disney

Let’s be honest.  It isn’t just about quitting on yourself.  That would hurt but you would get over it.  But the embarrassment, the shame, the heartbreak of those supporting you seems unbearable.  So you keep moving forward – step by step.  Because what is the alternative?  Go back?  Where is that?  Why did you leave there to begin with?  What is waiting for you back there?  Happiness?  There is a reason why you left and started down this path.

But what does it mean to QUIT?  Bottom line – when you quit something it means you stop – you are done with it – KAPUT!  Finished!  But is also means you have to go a different direction.  You have to choose something, somewhere else to head, something else to do.  You have to make new decisions, replace it with something or go down a completely different path. 

For example:  If you feel that your social media marketing strategy is failing – you can quit doing it.  But what marketing strategy will you replace it with?  Because NO marketing won’t work either.

Of if you decide to quit your job or your endeavor = what will you replace it with to earn an income?

On the other hand, you might decide to quit smoking (which is great!) and replace it for much healthier habits.

Quitting is not always bad – it can be good.

So how do you know when to quit, or when not to quit?  How do you know when something might just be a temporary failure or obstacle and you should forge ahead, or when to throw in the towel?

“One of the most common cases of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” – Napolean Hill

There are times when you might NEED to quit some things to allow other things to replace it or you may need to completely begin again – and that is OK.  But be sure that quitting is the right choice.  As you contemplate what to do – look at QUIT in a new way:

Quiet your mind and take a breath

Understand the situation and figure out exactly where and what is broken

Invent/Innovate a new or different path or way to look at the situation

Take Action

“Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, as the contrary, obtain a victory be exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than ever before.” – Herodotus

Is quitting bad – maybe.

Is quitting good – maybe.

Depends on what you are quitting, why & what actions you take next.

Ask yourself “Does quitting get me closer to my dreams?”  It may be the easy answer and remove the pain quickly – but are you setting yourself up for more, greater pain down the road?

I don’t know where your road is leading – sometimes I don’t know where MY road is leading.  But what I do know is that in the uncomfortable times, in the times when I am screaming and crying and flailing there is a reason I am on this path.  There is a reason YOU are on this path. 

Surround yourself with people that won’t let you quit on a good thing.  People that will give you good advice, your tough-love-go-getters!

We don’t always have to know every tiny possible thing that will happen along the way.  We just have to plan the best we can, step out of our comfort zone, and get moving again. At times it may feel like chaos.  At times it may break our hearts.  But at least it’s not boring!

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