Good Copy Matters!
Writing good copy starts with words..DUH!
So does good conversation.
I don’t know about you, but I get tired of hearing the same-ole, same-ole in marketing copy. Be it in an email, a newsletter, a BLOG, a networking introduction, your website, social media profiles, or any other written communication. Words like:
Authentic Transparent New Normal
Circle Back Pivot Deep Dive
Alignment Transformation Journey
Cutting Edge World Class Accelerate
These words, among many others, have lost their power and have rendered themselves meaningless through overuse in the marketplace.
Do you use some of these?
If so, you have not done an effective job of setting yourself apart and showing the value of working with you.
So, what are we to do?
How are we to write about what we do when those common words accurately do portray exactly what we want to say?
We are not all word-smiths. We are not all copy writers.
Good News! We don’t have to be!
All you have to do is know your buyers inside and out. Know how they speak. What resonates with them when they hear it.
It is not about what the product does or how the service will help them as much as it is about sparking intrigue and action from the prospects. It is about them – not you.
- Keep it interesting and engaging. Don’t be dishing out the same content topics everyone else is.
- Start by taking out the “I’s”
- Even if it will be sent or seen by more than one person – write as if you are talking to ONE person, a specific person.
- Use action inspiring words. Using them puts the reader into ‘action-mode’ even if it is only in their minds to start.
- Use adjectives and be descriptive.
- Use unpredictable words – don’t make it so they can finish your sentences.
- Write like you talk – not like a robot or a person on Madison Avenue
- Write fast (for creativity) – then edit slow
- Be Compelling – leaving them wanting more
- Go over and above their expectations
- Make it “share-worthy” and worth money
- Results focused – not theory based only
- Be sure you are providing CONTEXT not just CONTENT. You want to be specific, focused and relatable. Not just providing theory, or a bird’s eye view. Readers want meaningful information, not vague generalities.
It is about sharing knowledge but more importantly it is about making sure they can put themselves in the picture and feel/see it from their own point of view.
Spouting off your brilliance and the details of your product or service won’t do it either. You have a complete understanding of your topic, they don’t. They may have no idea what you are talking about…which means your message missed the target.
They are not interested in what you have to say unless they see how it can make a difference to them. They need to be compelled to read, compelled to take the next step, and compelled to follow you.
Without creating a solid connection and showing how what you are saying/writing is relevant to them, you are making yourself a commodity – an exchangeable solution or knowledge – not good for business 😊.
Let’s talk about a few common copy mistakes:
- Being boring or no fun
- Use of non action verbs
- Only asking for a purchase
- Lame hacks, click bait, or tricks to get them to do something
- Providing no value, not specific relatable reason to be writing
- Providing only ‘teasers’ – no meat
- Invokes the “duh” factor (not giving them anything that makes them think)
- Staying above their heads with your language (doesn’t make you look smarter, just annoys them)
- Trying to be someone or something you are not
- Playing it too safe so as not to be unliked/unfollowed or being unsubscribed from
- Sounding like everyone else…or even worse, using your competitors’ words
- Not being specific about the next step you want them to take – or when (‘now’ is not a time)
- Within emails: Too long (stay under 200 words unless they have opted in for a longer-copy mailing)
- Within emails: Too long of paragraphs – not “scan-able”
What can you do right now – today?
Remodel or refresh your About Page and your Social Media Profiles.
Think about who YOU are, what you bring to the table, highlighting a few snapshots of your life, bring you personality to the page. Even fun facts and qwerks you have bring more interest.
Make sure your unique value is front and center in a way that is not sterile or filled with boring details. But, balance that with useful and relevant information for them – something they can (and will) use.
Remember, it is a privilege to be in their inbox, it is a small miracle to be read.
When you send emails, your readers need to quickly see how what you are communicating is relevant to them, specifically designed to help them, in a crystal-clear way. It is literally impossible to sell something to people who have no idea what you provide, how it is needed by them, or when/how they need to take the next step.
Forget what you do and even what you think you want to say. Start with what they need/want to know about what you are providing or proposing. What they are questioning or contemplating concerning the topic.
Give them what they are asking for, not just reciting what they feel over and over. That will not catch their eye. They will be scrolling to see if your words are worthy of reading piece by piece.
For emails: your subject line and first 50 – 140 words need to be compelling – bring them in.
The average person receives 120 emails per day – many are spam and not worth reading – so your first few words need to grab their undivided attention…then hold it.
Be sure it is about them and not about you! This is when they either decide to open and engage or place it on the email-scroll-of-death where it then gets buried in their inbox…or deleted altogether.
Have subject lines that promise to entertain, offer a solution, or show a deadline.
Use a crazy contrast (Exercise less for better health)
Ask them a question (they will feel compelled to answer)
Pique curiosity (Did you know…)
Radically Reduce or Substantially Sensationalize for effect (be careful – don’t promise the moon)
Example: Automate your process for less than a dollar a day
Create speed bumps.
Use of bold, italic, single words or two words on one line, even a photo or graphic. These slow down the scroll.
Use larger font size, colored text or even highlight to bring it out.
Bullet points are overused but for good reason – they are easy for the eyes and the brain to digest. There are fewer words to take in and it ‘stops the scroll’.
However, if you are going to use any type of bullet points here are a few pointers (pun intended)
- Create Bullet Bookends. Most people will read the first 2 then the last. That will tell them if they want to go back and read all the ones in the middle
- Use them to take out unnecessary words
- Have them provide proof or credibility
- Tell them what NOT to do, or what something is NOT
- Pique curiosity – possibly even making something seem unbelievable
- Show ripple effects of what solving an issue will do for them
- Contrasting or sensational thoughts and ideas
- The ‘going-in-for-a-kiss’ – give them 80% of the concept and they will want to go in the rest of the way.
Every email should have an objective – possibly to click, invite, build trust and rapport, or respond
Many times you are simply walking them into the decisions they wanted to make in the first place. Providing value and educational copy alone, without inviting them into another step, makes you a teacher or scholar and will leave you broke. At least sell the next click.
They have probably opted into your list because they want a solution to a problem. They need it solved. So why hide the solution from them? You are not doing them any favors by not giving them the opportunity to buy from you. Possibly invite them to buy.
Be sure to have a response required section towards the end. Make sure it is a clear action you are asking them to take, an easy one that they can do right then and not delay it until later. “Here is what I would like for you to do.”
Have a PS. This is the second most read piece of any email. Sometimes this will get read first so they can then determine if they even want to read the rest of the email.
Finally – Proof it!
It may take several read throughs to get it just right. Take the time – yes, it is that important.
Consider these questions as you read:
What does it solve or mean to them…does it deliver?
Does it have credible and useful information or is it just common knowledge?
Have you used great verbs (action inspiring) and adjectives to fill their mind and keep them engaged?
Consider turning any boring-stat-filled case studies into stories. Start with “Imagine this”
Take an objective look and read it through – where did you start to drift and get bored with it? Where did you start skimming? They will too!
Does it have a clear actionable next step that will compel them to act?
Above all, as you proofread, strip out any copy that your audience just won’t give a hoot about. Those extra stats, the excess examples, the listing of benefits.
And, of course, check for punctuation and grammatical errors. There is nothing like a misplaced comma.
Once you improve, or even master the art of good writing – people will seek you out. Or at the very least they will not forget about you.
Your message is important, your email is important, your information is important – don’t be skipped over or deleted due to poor copywriting. Your words matter.