Mastering Persuasion and Bypassing Objections

In a world inundated with information and choices, the ability to persuade and bypass objections is a valuable skill that can make all the difference in personal and professional success. Persuasion isn’t about manipulation or coercion, but rather about understanding human psychology and communication dynamics. Whether you’re a business owner or professional trying to sell a product or service, a leader inspiring a team, or an individual navigating everyday interactions, mastering the art of persuasion can elevate your communication to a new level.

We first need to understand that we are all human. By nature we feel first, think second.

It is subconscious – we can’t change it even if we wanted to. Advertising and marketing professionals know it.  $99.97 doesn’t feel as expensive as $100. Less carbs, less calories…could still be ridiculously high but we are persuaded to buy it because it is ‘less’. Same with “On Sale” – it feels good to not pay full retail price!

It doesn’t stop there – people are persuaded to spend more money to have ‘name brand’ over generic.

We are persuaded to give more money to charity if we get Krispy Kreme in return.

Food even tastes better if we are persuaded that the establishment is a higher-class experience! The opposite is true as well.  There was an experiment done at a popular fast food hamburger joint. The chef from a higher-class restaurant came there one day and offered a “Limited Time Only” burger. The feedback: it rated about the same as their normal menu. The same burger at the chef’s restaurant would get rave reviews and cost about $22. Same burger – but opinion varied due to the ‘objection’ that a fast-food restaurant is not as good.

Marketing persuasion techniques lower our objections and get us feeling first. This is also true in sales.

Most people have objections ready-in-hand, like a weapon they can use, even before we show up to chat about what we offer.

Address and debunk potential objections. Face them head-on, even present them yourself into the conversation. Crazy, right? Why GIVE them objections?

Because you are not afraid of them, you have the answers they need to overcome them, you show them that you know their fears and concerns and are ready to face it with them. Provide them with counterarguments that assuage their concerns.  By bringing it up first you control the narrative. You ‘get in front of it’ so it is not an issue on the backside.

You have often heard me say that every business owner or professional that has to sell (and that is all of us) needs to know the top 10 frequently asked questions/objections and have a well-crafted response for each. Now just take the top 2-3 of those and be forthcoming about them during the presentation. They will like your honesty, transparency, confidence, and your answers.

Consider killing two birds with one stone. People often look to others for guidance on how to behave, what to buy, and, well, everything! We look at reviews, ‘star ratings’, and more. Some people are practically paralyzed from deciding until they consult their panel of strangers.

So, provide social proof at the same time that you present the top objections. Showcase testimonials, case studies, and examples of others benefiting from your offer. Be sure to include their hesitations (objections) and how the solution and results provided exactly the outcome they were looking for. Simplify complex ideas through relatable stories. Narratives can create an emotional connection and help prospects visualize the benefits therefore bypassing their original possible objections and moving them from skepticism to optimism.

Connection plus Authority is Key

Some call this rapport. That is actually a misnomer.

Some call it the ‘like’ factor.  Again, not enough.

You can like someone and not buy from them, or think they have the best solution to your problem. However, the opposite is not true. If they dislike you the chances of them doing business with you drop dramatically – dare I say it will be non-existent.

But, establishing a genuine connection by not only finding common ground, showing genuine interest in them as a person, and displaying warmth, but also showcasing your confidence in your solution and commitment to them is the winning combination.

If you invest the time and effort to position yourself as an expert or thought leader in your field, then your reputation will precede you. People are more likely to trust and follow someone who demonstrates competence and knowledge. However, if you go overboard on the self-proclamation of accolades and wisdom it is a turn-off. Find that balance between confidence and arrogance.

First key element is to really listen. I know, you have ‘heard’ this before – multiple times from every sales trainer, author and speaker out there! But have you gone beyond ‘hearing’ it and actually implemented it into your everyday life?

So many times during the sales process we see people “listen” then forge right into their pre-scripted presentation that often times has very little to do with what the prospect just told them they needed. That is a guaranteed way to NOT get the sale!

Actively listen to your prospect. Engage in genuine conversations, ask open-ended questions, and show that you value their input.  Avoid talking too much or being overly loud. Truly listen for clarity and understanding their needs and objections.

Use the Socratic Method.  Asking questions can help you in several ways:  Obviously it can help you clarify any misconceptions or miscommunications, but it can also help you to fine-tune your presentation/offer so that you hit on their ‘hot buttons’, and possible objections as you move forward.

Once you HEAR them , you can pull from your vast knowledge of the solutions you provide and accurately pair them together…their problem to your solution. You show them that you have their best interests at the forefront as you align your efforts with the prospect’s needs and desires. Being a tour guide instead of a salesman demonstrates that your offer is genuinely beneficial to them and fosters trust. Trust is incredibly persuasive.

There are a few others factors, including the law of reciprocation and personal consistency.

The Law of Reciprocity:

You say ‘’hello”, they say “hello”.

You smile, they smile.

You ask “how are you”, they ask “how are you”.

It is human nature.

I am not talking about complex strategies like NLP (neurolinguistic programming). You don’t need to train and spend countless hours trying to figure out body language, tonality, and speech patterns. You just need to be human, and realize you are speaking to another human.

No manipulation techniques, no tricks and gimmicks. Just natural human conversation and interaction that has a positive and authentic nature to it. Offer value, be it information, assistance, or a thoughtful gesture. They will reciprocate in kind.

Consistency. Human beings prefer to act in ways that are consistent with their previous choices and commitments. Once you understand the past choices, they have made you can show them how this ‘next step’ is consistent with what they originally were trying to achieve. Don’t make them feel they made a bad choice before, focus on the results and outcomes that they still desire.

Then encourage small commitments that align with the ultimate goal along the way. During your conversation get them to make a few ‘micro’ decisions. Have them nodding yes in agreement with what you are saying and where you are going. They can’t keep agreeing then at the end do a 180 and not agree with you. That would be inconsistent with what they are nodding yes to, making them seem and feel inconsistent. 

Here is a hard-hitting fact we need to recognize: We cause some of the objections.  The good news is that whether we caused it, or they are pre-armed with it, the positive opposite of the objection is persuasion!

Let’s look at a few that we may cause (and therefore we can control).

Prejudging. Treat every interaction like an opportunity (and responsibility) to showcase you and your product/service in the best possible light. Don’t change the way you show up based on a prejudgment that they will or will not be a good fit/prospect. If we think it will be a No – it will be.

Realize they will, and have, prejudged you as well. The minute you walked in the door. Were you late? Did you present yourself as a professional externally by looking nice, and internally by making eye contact, having a firm handshake, and a friendly smile (which showcases your manners)?

Here are a few other things to keep in mind to avoid them objecting to YOU before they even hear about your product/service:

Avoid old school schmooze. Empty and useless compliments are like waving a red flag and saying, “I am a salesman, and I will tell you anything you want to hear and flatter you up to get the sale”. Finding an object in their office or on their social media and making an awkward comment about it does not showcase your character in the best possible light. It shines a spotlight on all those sales seminars you attended about how to create rapport (which is not a true connection). Slimy.

Don’t violate their personal space. Even if you have met them a few times, don’t overstep the familiarity line. Going in for a hug or pat on the back may be unwelcome. Moving around to their side of the desk or conference room table to peer over their shoulder might be uncomfortable for them – ask first.

Have a confident air about you. Exude unshakeable confidence without being egotistical or pushy. They have a problem – you have a solution for them. A confident demeanor shows that you believe in what you’re offering without being overly aggressive. A strong, positive demeanor can make a lasting impression.

Be enthusiastic. Avoid just going through the motions. People can tell if you are not excited about what you do – it comes across as lazy and possibly even disinterested in them, their problems, or a lack of confidence in your solution. Infuse your interactions with energy and enthusiasm, it is infectious.

Refrain from verbal vomit or diarrhea of the mouth. Talking too much, not listening, being loud or laughing at your own (not funny) jokes is a sure-fire way to be ousted. No one likes, or can really connect with, someone who does all the talking.

Be a product of your product or service. Ever have a weight loss ‘guru’ try to sell you on their program when they themselves are not the picture of good weight? How about a financial planner who doesn’t have any financial plans set up for himself and his family? Or a business coach who can’t seem to make their own business run efficiently or make a profit? Or a life coach that doesn’t appear to practice what she preaches? Here is my favorite, a marketing company that doesn’t know how to market themselves effectively.

I realize some people may not have a need for what they sell. If you are a Xerox salesman, or a medical device salesman, then you probably don’t need a high-volume output copy device in your home office or a MRI machine in your backyard. But you should have personal knowledge of the devices. You should not just know the features of the complicated Xerox machine but how to operate it. You should know what it feels like for the patient and the operator of the MRI machine.

Make no assumption of trust. Generally speaking, we all have a lack of trust in others these days. Statistically we are at an all-time low. We can’t trust the media. We often can’t trust leadership. We sometimes can’t trust people we know. We fear that we can’t trust ourselves. Making a false assumption that just because you are a ‘nice guy’ and you have something you think they want/need they trust you is a big mistake.

Give me a reason to trust you. Gain it through credibility by showing me your knowledge after you have put in the effort to form a connection. Do what you say you will do. Be consistent and dependable. Don’t assume trust – earn it.

Don’t be ignorant of overload. People are numb. We often hear over 5000 persuasive messages per day between social media, television and radio, billboards, people, the list goes on. Our automatic response is to resist. Be aware of this. If you are simply a walking/talking billboard for your products and services you will add to the overload and be taken out with the trash. Instead stand out and bring great value to the discussion and interaction.

Be aware of cultural differences. In a global marketplace, we all need to take the time and initiative to understand and respect cultural differences. Not just worldwide but even region to region, state to state, race to race, gender to gender, and age to age. Not everyone is made like you. Tailor your approach to resonate with diverse landscape of prospects while staying true to who you are.

Understand that the power structure has changed. Due in part to the tech-age we live in, there has been a shift towards a lack of respect for power/intellect (Dr., lawyer, cops, teachers, experts). Easy access to an infinite amount of information makes people feel empowered with knowledge. Respect what they think they know, connect with them, then show them the pieces they are missing.

Persuasion is not about pressing on someone’s weak spots, but about guiding them through the decision-making process with authenticity and empathy. It is about calming the nagging objections in their mind so they can create enough space in there to decide.

If you exceed their expectations from the first moment you meet them, and back it up with confidence and consistent action, you will achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. It simply boils down to Persuasion is Connection + Confidence + Consistency.

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