Growth Through Removal

You might actually have TOO MANY of certain things – any one of those things can prevent you from growing your business.

Many business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs are full of great ideas, and they fill their lives and days with many plans, visions, commitments, and obligations. So many that they often have no room for true growth – no time to make it happen.

TOO MANY commitments and obligations

TOO MANY responsibilities

TOO MANY visions

TOO MANY marketing avenues

TOO MANY negative people surrounding them

TOO MANY distractions and dead weight

TOO MANY offers of products and services

TOO MANY tasks and to-do’s

TOO MANY hats to wear

All of these prevent growth.

I get it, we are all excited about our businesses, we work hard towards making our business a success. Oftentimes, however, we may lack the ability to lead ourselves down that success path.

Whether it is a lack of knowledge, a lack of implementation, or a lack of being able to put our ego aside and be shown how to lead the business to success.

But, more often than not it is as simple as a lack of time. A constant state of being ‘busy’ and spinning on the hamster wheel.

So how do you get off the wheel?

How do we recognize and not confuse activity with productivity?

How do we break the activity addiction?

I call it Growth Through Removal.

At the signature event yesterday (be sure to catch the replay if you are a member of the 1/11/23 event), we talked about Time Us(e)age – how to use time wisely and have it work for us and not against us. How to work less and achieve more!

Here are a few more things to contemplate and implement into your life:

Sit in the quiet

Every morning make it a ‘rule’ to not pick up, look at, consume, or engage in anything digital before 9 am. Remove the noise and the tendency to hit the ground running. Remove the digital addiction.

No email, no social media, no podcasts, no nothin’

Instead – sit, be still. Think about and do things that inspire you, that energize you.

You might want to read, journal, do a devotional, meditate, or just sit and contemplate. Whatever your go-to is be sure to think about important things. Things that are bigger picture, growth oriented for you and your business. Marinate on profit-building, growth building ideas that match up with your core values, mission and vision.

Take time now to really know your business

We all think we know our business – do we? You have to 100%, without a doubt, understand where your income and profits come from in order to maximize your time and spend it wisely.

You have to see the whole picture – from where that income stream starts to how it arrives in the WIN column. If not, then you may be spending time (and money) in areas that are not resulting in income and profit.

Once you do – remove the other marketing channels or processes that are not a part of it.

Remove the unnecessary

Many of my clients come to me with an incredibly complex way of operating their business. Or an overabundance of things and ways of operating that do not contribute to growth.

What we find is that by eliminating certain things we gain the ability to redirect those resources (time, money, etc.) to what does create and lead to growth.

You may need to subtract some unnecessary expenses, simplify complex processes, reduce your offerings, fire toxic clients or employees, or drastically reduce time on email or social media.

If you look objectively at your day-to-day operations, I bet you can find a few unnecessary things, procedures, or time allotments that you can remove. Don’t spend precious moments on low-value and low-producing activities.

Remove yourself

Sounds odd – but it works! You do what you do, and let others do what they do.

As the business owner you need to be working in your zone of genius at least 90% of the time. Doing the stuff that ONLY you can do.

Then hire the rest out.

They can do it better. They can do it faster. And you can concentrate on income producing and growth activities.

This will reduce your work time and increase your success. Even with the added expense of outsourcing certain things.

Is it scary to take that leap? To hire that Virtual Assistant, or that social media company, or that copywriter, or that house cleaner, or bookkeeper, or that business strategist? SURE it is!

But if you can earn in one hour what you will have to pay someone else for something that would have taken you 4-5 hours to accomplish…then you created the opportunity to grow your business because now you have those other 3-4 hours to do even MORE income activities…or take some time for you.

You know this to be true – yet we often procrastinate, make excuses, and find reasons why we shouldn’t do it. Stop.

Everything we wisely invest in ourselves will pay off.

Doing everything yourself is ineffective and inefficient – resulting in no (or less) growth. In the end not outsourcing, not hiring, not delegating, or not collaborating with others ends up being more expensive.

If you are ready to lead yourself down the road of success you will be able to find the money and the time and resources to make it happen. It is all a matter of priorities.

Give yourself permission to spend a little in order to grow.

Surround yourself with like-minded people (like in the NBG Community) to encourage and support you.

Hire a Business Coach or Strategist to set your new course for success.

Get that Virtual Assistant onboarded sooner rather than later.

Find where you can remove things from your plate, set down a few of those hats you wear, and step off the hamster wheel.

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