Leading Prospects to do Business with You

We all meet people that we just know we can help. People that need what we have to offer. That is why it is so frustrating when they don’t see it, or when they don’t take action to get the solution, get ‘the thing they want’, or the opportunity they desire.

So how do we lead them down the path? How do we get from hello to transaction?

I read a lot of business building and growth books, I listen to a lot of podcasts, and watch a lot of videos. Makes it sound like I am obsessed with business growth. Maybe I am.

So, when several NBG Members came to me over the last few months with the same question, I started to dig in and see what I could find.

All this quarter (Q1 2023) we have been talking about Leadership. Starting with leading yourself and moving into leading others. What the members all asked me was this:

“How can I more consistently lead others into doing business with me?”

Or different versions of that same age-old question.

Interestingly enough most of what is written, blogged about, and talked about out there is basically three things:

  1. Have a Unique Value Proposition
  2. Increase the know/like/trust factor
  3. Ask

Not bad advice, but let’s look a little further – or in a bit of a different direction.

I believe there are a few key things you need to know, and do, in order to lead others into doing business with you.

First, over and above having a unique value proposition it is of vital importance to know the answer to one specific question in order to fix or improve your business and conversion rate…

Why are they NOT buying from you?

Contemplate on that for a while – figure out exactly why the last few people have not done business with you.

Once you identify the reasons you have a great starting place to improve, amend, or create a more positive experience. You can pinpoint where in the process things are going wrong and fix it.

Second, stop pursuing people. Even if they are the perfect fit!

People naturally turn and run from those that are pursuing them. If you feel like you are having to convince people then you probably sound pushy, needy, desperate, and like you are begging for a sale. Not attractive.

Instead, elevate your positioning and amplify your authority so that they pursue you. Be intriguing and enticing. You want to be seen as a person of influence and expertise.

Speak to their internal struggles and not just the external circumstances. This will produce a sort of magnetism that can’t be explained.

How? Don’t just talk about you and what you do or how you do it and why they need it. Talk about them, what they are experiencing and what they want. Show the outcomes and results of your business, not the process and details.

We seek out people that can shed light on something we are thinking about, struggling with, or fearful of. It is natural to want to be around someone who ‘gets-it’, like you can hear their thoughts, and a sort of bond or connection is formed quicker and without as much resistance.

Bring your unique perspectives and thoughts to the conversation. Be the lone wolf instead of one-of-the-pack in your industry. Write articles, publish case-studies, start a podcast, be a speaker, post valuable content on social media, simply up your game in conversations or at networking events. There are so many ways in today’s world to be seen as an authority, a game changer, or an innovator. Find which you like and go for it!

Third, create a real connection.

Once they start to see you as an authority or influencer you may seem untouchable to them. You most likely will have to bridge the distance intentionally by improving your approachability factor.

If you are on the stage, in the front of the room, a published author, or podcaster, the public may see you as unapproachable.  They feel that they don’t have permission to come within 20 feet of you unless invited. So, invite them in!                              

Start with some social interaction. Be available through a community, a group you start, interact personally with them on social media. If you are a speaker – stick around and mingle with the audience. Anything you can do to reduce that 20-foot gap to less than 5 feet or so – physically and in their minds.

Once that is achieved, then you can lead them into a private connection, a more personal conversation and bring them into your orbit of 5 feet or less. This is where you can ask them for a discovery call, or a sit down 1:1 conversation to discuss how you can be a part of their solution and get them results.

As you are bridging that distance keep in mind that the subconscious question they continue to ask themselves is ‘are you like me?’  Because if they believe you are not, then they believe that your solutions won’t work for them.

They want to know that you ‘get it’. That you are like them and that you have shared challenges, experiences, and feelings. People are naturally drawn to other people like them, that have been there and understand what they are feeling and going through.

Fourth – show them that you can and will be able to lead them.

They want a guide – not just someone who had a similar experience. They are asking themselves:

“Yeah, she gets it, she has been there, but can she lead/teach/show me the way?”

Here is where the rubber hits the road. You need to not only show your ‘mountain-top-experience’, your ‘I did it’ moment, but also exhibit the confidence that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can and will lead them towards success.             

There is something very charismatic about a confident posture, as long as it maintains a less then egotistical demeanor. Find the balance.

It’s important as the connection matures that they believe you have a structure, a strategy or a process to get the results they desire. That you have taken your expertise and your experience and made it a duplicatable path.

If they see you as a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, lets-just-see-how-this-goes person, they will most likely not follow you anywhere. On the other hand, if they see social proof that you have guided others, shown them the way and they made it to the top-of-the-mountain experience as well, that will instill a confidence in you that can’t be denied.

And finally, have a WOW factor.

Do something unexpected. Most people assume they will have a positive experience when meeting or getting to know someone. Make it extraordinary. Be memorable.

There are so many ways – send a hand written note, send ‘bulky’ mail (like a book or gift), introduce them to an associate or friend, invite them to an event or to join a community, make some positive comments on their social media and share their posts with others. So many ways.

Look, none of this is difficult, but it does take effort. It takes the mindset of not chasing the money but rather pursuing the connection that can turn into a long-term relationship and not just a one-night-stand.

If done right, and you succeed in leading them into doing business with you, then afterward they will be a part of your fan base. Eager to hear from you when you call. Following you and sending others to do the same.

And that, my friend, is a great position to be in.

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