When you Hear Crickets

Sometimes it feels as if prospects suddenly got whisked off to the witness protection program. 

You thought you were along the right path, headed down the road of discovery to sale, and BAM!  Roadblock, silence, loss of communication.

So, you convince yourself that they know where you are if they need you.  You erroneously assume that they will reach out when they are ready.  You just KNOW that they have a clear picture of what you do, how you can help them solve their problem, and they are just ‘tied up’ at this time but will get back in touch.

So you match their silence because you fear ‘being annoying’ or pushing them away.  Or you fear the NO – but that is another story for another time.

Let’s be clear…it is YOUR responsibility to stay in touch.  It is YOUR responsibility to continue the process for the sale that you ultimately want to receive.  Not theirs.

Face it – we are all forgetful, we get busy, we push things aside…even things we KNOW we need!  Other priorities emerge, chaos ensues, pandemics happen, and even fear creeps in and pushes things into the far reaches of our minds. 

This is true for you; this is also true for your prospects.  YOU and your solution are not necessarily on the forefront of their mind as much as it is yours.  Shocker – right?

So, what can you do?  How can you stay in front of your prospects, continue to provide value, not be a total annoyance, but keep the conversation going and not hear radio silence?  Here are a few approaches to take:

The ‘we’re not going anywhere’ approach

Let them know that you ‘get it’ – things get busy, plans change, projects evolve, things get put on the back-burner.  Remind them when and why they were engaged in conversations with you to begin with and that you are still there to help them with a solution.  Give them an easy way to get the ball rolling again.

Try this:  If you are constrained by time, I would be happy to talk to you about taking the lead on this project.

The ‘thermometer’ approach

This can help you gauge where they are at with their process.  It can be a Yes/No answer (quick and easy) or a POLL or 1 to 5 type answer.  You clearly state the solution that you have available to them and ask them a very straight forward question.  This gives them an easy out if they need it (no harm, no foul) or will give you a clear picture of their timeline, interest, or ability to move forward.

The DIY approach

Providing an additional resource or DIY solution for them is a great way to provide value and content that will encourage the prospect to increase their know, like and trust factor with you.  If they are a good prospect, in your ideal target market, then you should know exactly what they need and what a quick win for them would look like – give it to them! 

Maybe it is a PDF or a link to a BLOG on your website.  Maybe a video or ‘how-to’ sheet.  Providing value over and above, your BEST stuff, will get your phone ringing and pull them out of witness protection!

Try this:  I have been reading (listening to) …… would love to hear your thoughts on this if you have read/listened to it as well.

Try this:  I am happy to make an introduction, send a resource your way, maybe a book or BLOG or podcast I have read or heard that might help – just let me know what you need.

The ‘update me’ approach

Just like it sounds – you reiterate the problem they had, and the solution they are desiring and ask if they were able to secure the outcome they wanted.  Simply ask them “do you have any updates on this for us?”

Try this:  How is business?

Try this:  What challenges are you facing right now?

The ‘need your opinion’ approach

People love to be asked their opinion, just be sure you really want to hear it!

Try this:  I would love to hear your experience on ….

Try this:  We would welcome an opportunity to chat with you about …..

Bless-n-Release approach

Sometimes it is just not a good fit.  Believe it or not, there are freebie seekers out there who will take what you have to give them, but when it comes to investing – silence.  Don’t sweat it! 

Send them one final email – let them know that you understand they are just not “feelin’ it” anymore and that is OK. 

If they are part of an automated system let them know they can unsubscribe (that really is a win because you want your open rates to remain high for deliverability reasons) or they can set their preferences to what they want (if you have multiple lists, etc).  Provide a link for them to update their subscription.

If they are not part of a system just let them know that when they are ready you will be there but that you are going to place their interest on hold for 3 (or 6) months and check back with them at a later time.

The ‘what’s new and exciting’ approach

Have a new offering, a new product, a new service?  Let them know!  Maybe it is exactly what they are in need of.  They can’t buy what they don’t know about.

Try this:  Would love to hear what you are excited about right now.

Try this:  It has been a while since we connected – would love to hear the latest news about you and your business (or life)

Try this:  Let me know what your goals are for this year, see if I can help.

The ‘high five’ approach

Did you see something exciting or interesting about them on social media or heard about something through the grapevine?  Don’t keep it to yourself – let them know you heard about it and express genuine praise.

The ‘introduction’ approach – my favorite!

If you know someone who should know someone – introduce them!  It doesn’t have to be a referral for a sale, it can be a resource, a personal connection, a ‘you-just-gotta-know-her” connection.  The reason I love this one so much is it gives you 3 touches with 2 people! 

  1. Reach out to ask permission to make the introduction
  2. Make the introduction
  3. Follow up to see if they were able to connect and what they thought about it

The ‘invitation’ approach

Invite hem to something.  Coffee, lunch, a networking event, a social event, anything of interest to THEM. If they own their own business invite them to a HUDDLE in NBG!

With all of these approaches you want to have 3 vital pieces in the communication: (1) a personal touch, (2) an open-ended question, and (3) a possible next step/encounter/happening.

Crickets are real – and frustrating!  But just know that when you hear that deafening silence it is up to you to break through and strike up the conversation again.  It is way more awkward in your head then it is to just do it!

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