Browning Out: Lost Meaning and Waning Passion

Hey there, fellow Solopreneurs & Sales Experts. Today, I want to talk about something that can happen to even the most seasoned sales enthusiasts – browning out.

Now, you might be wondering, “What on earth is browning out?” Don’t worry; it’s not related to those pesky power outages or electrical malfunctions. Instead, it’s a little something that can creep into our lives and leave us feeling as dull as a rusty doorknob or like a phone that won’t keep a charge, draining faster and faster each day

Imagine this: You wake up one morning, all set to conquer the world with your dazzling charisma and killer sales skills. But as the day unfolds, something feels off.

That spark, that passion that has always fueled your drive, seems to have taken an unscheduled vacation. It is like starting your vehicle, but instead of hitting the gas and jumping on the highway, you can only muster a putter. The clear path in front of you is foggy, and a weight is holding you back. Yes, friends, this type of experience could mean that you might just be browning out!

Let me take you back in time to when I had my first encounter with this bizarre creature, the brown-out monster. I was at a peak in my career. That year, I had grown my Tupperware Team by over 200% and ranked #4 in North America in percent growth. I was dating parties left and right, and my team had an incredible synergy. I felt invincible, like a sales superhero!

But then, one fateful day, as I was pulling out my contact list, it hit me like a ton of unsold products – I had lost that special mojo. I felt like I was going through the motions because I had to, not because I wanted to. The words felt hollow, the passion was fading, and I couldn’t find the meaning in what I was doing. I was officially browning out.

My first reaction was to laugh at myself because, well, who wouldn’t find humor in a perpetual optimist suddenly becoming an unmotivated sales zombie? But deep down, I was freaking out. I had never experienced such a depressive dip that paralyzed my performance. My business allowed me to live life on my terms, putting my family first. But with the lack of motivation and action, it caused my personal life and mental well-being to suffer. I knew I had to take this seriously and climb out of the muck of uncertainty. It was time to reclaim my lost passion and purpose.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Funk that has you stuck

The first step in any recovery process is acknowledging the issue at hand. Yes, it’s okay to admit that you’re not as thrilled about selling widgets as you once were. For myself, it was more than that. I had to acknowledge what was irking me deep down.

It took alot of self reflection and time to realize my trigger – I had let the words of others rent space in my head. I had allowed that negativity to then create false beliefs that had me questioning everything.
A funk can be from a number of variables, and you have to look inward to your core and virtues to truly identify it. But I can tell you this – when you embrace the funk, you’ll feel a weight lift off your shoulders.

Step 2: Forgive & Let Go

Resentment will keep us stuck in the muck. Maybe when looking inward to acknowledge your funk, you found that the actions of others had led you there. Or maybe even the actions/words of yourself. Personally, I had let toxic words both diminish my drive both internally & externally, and shake my world.

I had to forgive ALL to release the ill will I felt that fueled my depression. I did the work and learned to embrace my emotions, processing each thought so that I could let it pass and let it go.

Step 3: Rediscover the Why

Ah, the famous “Why.” You’ve probably heard this term thrown around in countless sales seminars & networking events. Well, it turns out there’s a reason for it. Take some time to reflect on why you became a solopreneur in the first place. Why you wanted to live life on your terms and embrace the roads less traveled. Reconnect with that initial spark that lit your fire.

For me, it was a dual why. First and foremost was my 2 daughters. I have had a number of seasons in the 22 years that I have been self employed, but ultimately, they were & are the reason I do what I do. I wanted the flexibility to be there when they got off the bus or be able to chaperone when they volunteered me. They are my greatest accomplishment, and being a hands-on mom is everything to me.

The second why was the thrill of connecting with people and solving their problems. Knowing that I am making a difference in their life and, most importantly, that I was able to bring smiles to their faces. Rediscovering my why meant I had to dust off that motivation and realign myself with my virtues & core.

Step 4: Spice Things Up

If you’ve been selling the same product or service for years, it’s natural to get stuck in a rut. Break free from the monotony and add some spice to your sales life. Maybe it’s time to learn about a new product, target a different market, or even take up a quirky sales challenge to make things interesting. Most importantly with this, you have to find your people that help you aspire for more. Put yourself out there with a hunger for knowledge, tips, and new ideas.

Step 5: Embrace the Roller Coaster

In the world of sales, ups and downs are as common as that one customer who always has a question at the very end of your pitch. Embrace the roller coaster ride and know that brown-outs are just a temporary glitch in your otherwise stellar sales journey. In my opinion, it’s part of the process.

When I look back at my career, I can pinpoint a number of times that I experienced browning out. Some seasons were longer than others, but if you follow these steps I shared and stay the course, you will overcome and, in doing so, reach new heights on your ride.

So, there you have it, my fellow solopreneurs. Browning out might sound like a salesperson’s kryptonite, but it’s a foe that can be defeated. By acknowledging the funk, rediscovering your “Why,” spicing things up, let go with forgiveness, and embracing the roller coaster, you can reclaim your lost passion and meaning.

Remember, every great entrepreneur faces challenges, and browning out is just one of them. Stay resilient, keep that sense of humor intact, and get ready to conquer the world once again!

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  1. Great article and thanks for sharing. I think the WHY is so very important. Without figuring that out first, and sometimes more than once, nothing else matters. And in sales, there are always ups and downs. Navigating through them with tools like these is what’s most important.

    1. The WHY is so important! I like to say there are 4 Pillars to a solid foundation .. Know What you want, Why you want it, How you are going to get it, and then take care of You, because you are the cornerstone.

  2. Great points. Especially #1 admitting the funk, I believe we try to “shake it off”, because as you said, it’s not like us to feel this way. That is time step back and evaluate what is going on. Then follow the rest of the steps. Thanks 😊

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