How Does Networking Benefit Me?

As an entrepreneur, small business owner, or professional you want to continually be growing yourself, your circle of influence and your business. What is one of the best ways to do that? 

Be an active member of a growth minded community.


Because even though you may think, “I just don’t have time”, it very well might be the best decision you have ever made…because otherwise, you may miss out on the various benefits a networking growth community can provide you. 

Primarily, you will make valuable professional connections and gain access to a wealth of information.

So how do you choose?  How do you decide which communities or associations are the right fit for you?

First, you have to define your objectives. 

What are you searching for?  What are you in need of?  What are your professional development goals? 

Take a minute and ask yourself these questions:

Are you needing to simply expand your circle of influence?  Do you need/want a mentor?  Are you looking for educational opportunities to fill in the gaps or further your industry knowledge?

Does your reputation need a boost?  Are you really great at what you do but could use support and guidance on other areas of running a business?  Do you just need to get connected to more referral partners and clients?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the best thing you can do for your business is become a part of a growth community that offers personal and professional development and connections to a variety of others.

It is vital that you define your objectives before you choose a group to be a part of, because your “intent” is important. You should never show up at an event with only the self-serving goal of getting clients. You not only become known for being a ‘client-seeker’ but you miss out on all the other benefits and opportunities the group affords you.

Lets break it down … here are a few of the benefits of joining a community:


In business you have heard it said, “It is not what you know but WHO you know that contributes to success.”

So, the bigger your grow your circle of influence – the better!

Now, I am not just talking about more and more referral partners.  No.  It is about being connected to other business owners and professionals that can bring you huge value through what and who they know. 

Maybe it is about the ins-and-outs of running a business.  Or maybe they have experienced the same highs and lows you have or will.

Maybe you need a sounding board or think tank to explore or focus in on a new idea.  Maybe they can provide support and encouragement as you work through challenges. 

A large circle of influence can help you expand your mind, think and dream bigger, and provide you the resources you need to grow.  By sharing their experiences, providing guidance, or by introducing you to people they know, each person in your circle can have a lasting impact on you and your business.


Most business associations and communities have members of all types of industries and at every stage of success.  From people just getting started to seasoned veterans who have built a thriving business. 

Which for you that means you will not only have the chance to connect with more experienced business owners that can act as a mentor—you can make yourself available to mentor others and showcase your skills and expertise.

Participating in forums, chat groups or discussion events gives you the opportunity to share useful insights, guidance, expertise, encouragement and be a valuable, sought-after source of information about your industry and more.

Plus, you have the added benefit that there is bound to be someone (or many) in the community that are further down the road from you, so you too have a built in support system to boost your confidence, provide you solutions and a shoulder or two to lean on.


It can be tough, especially as a solo-prenuer, to keep up on all the latest industry innovations, research and trends. Or the latest-greatest marketing techniques (or not so great ones you shouldn’t try).  Or the best technology that can improve productivity.

Keeping your finger on the pulse seems impossible sometimes as we deal with the day-to-day activities of running a business.  By being involved and connected to an active community you are better able to take the time to stay up-to-date on trends, be aware of current issues that may affect your business, or what is lurking around the corner.

Some organizations have a “members only” section on their platform that provides access to a variety of activity feeds and discussions, courses, forums, BLOGS, and other educational materials.

NBG has Ask the Expert sessions each month on a variety of topics like running a business, enhancing your technical expertise, marketing, time management, business growth, lead generation, increasing referrals and more.

Putting yourself in a community that provides access to general business skills and educational opportunities like these not only will help you grow, but it makes you a smarter business owner and prevents you from being blind-sided by something seemingly out-of-the-blue. 

But keep in mind – it doesn’t matter how many educational opportunities the community offers – or how many experts they bring in to provide resources.  Those opportunities can only help you if you attend, engage and implement.


When you become a member of a respected community it shows others that you are committed to your business and to the process of learning, connecting, and growing.

It says that you take your business seriously enough to invest time, energy, and resources into being the best you can, learning everything you need to build the most successful business possible— and that message will resonate with your Strategic Business Alliances and referral partners.  If you take your business seriously – so will they!


There are so many ways to grow a business…you have picked one of many.  But you may find, through connections and conversations you engage in, that you can open a whole new set of opportunities. 

The opportunity to collaborate on projects that ultimately drive growth can be uncovered as you develop strong relationships in your association.


Becoming involved in a community-based organization in addition to a growth minded business community allows you to make a substantial contribution through projects you are passionate about. 

That might be an animal shelter, improving the environment, protecting children, being part of a food or clothing drive initiative, or organizing a march for cancer research.  The choices are seemingly endless.  Just be sure it resonates with you, on an emotionally deep level, so your enthusiasm and motivation for serving stays vibrant.

Anytime you are a part of a socially conscious initiative you will grow your circle of influence and gain a wealth of knowledge from many others involved.  You will meet folks from all walks of life.  And they each know people…which can lead to business. 

PLUS, you get to have a positive impact on your local community which can give you some great visibility and PR as a nice byproduct.

One note:  get on the board of directors or lead a committee.  Most non-profit boards and leadership are full of successful businesspeople for you to mingle with.  Then once you establish a relationship, they will be a blessing to you and your business in the future.  Don’t make this the focus – it can just be a nice perk!

One last tip that you can use in all areas of your life: Don’t just show up and be an observer; Get Involved!

Attending a few meetings is a good first step, but to maximize your involvement you need to consistently participate.  The key to successfully developing relationships and business opportunities is to be intentionally and actively involved. 

Like we said earlier, it is not about WHAT you know but WHO you know…but more importantly, it is also about who knows YOU.  They can’t know you if you are rarely there, not active, or inconsistent at best.

Business networking and being involved in a growth group is ultimately about positioning yourself for the best possible outcomes.  At its core NBG is such a community — the focus is on growth for you and growth for your business.

Whether you are interested in strengthening or increasing your network, furthering your knowledge, connecting to resources and collaborative opportunities, or maybe just in need of a few more friends, a professional networking community like NBG is a great option for you.

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