From Connection to a YES!

You have met a new prospect. Congrats!  Now what?

Last week we looked at how to lead people so that they will start to follow. This week let’s dive into the exact steps we take to not only connect with new prospects, and get them to follow us, but all the way down the aisle to the “Yes”.

If you have been with us for any length of time you know that the first thing I will say is this:

You have got to have a solid and strategic follow-up process.

No ifs, ands, buts, or excuses. It is mandatory if you want a successful business.

Why? Hopefully you have (or will have) too many prospects to keep track of them all, and where they are in the process, in your head or on sticky notes around your computer screen. Or in a notebook that requires you to flip, flip, flip, and search, search, search for what to do next and with whom.

Automate it already!  Or at the very least have a spreadsheet.

OK – off my soapbox.

Here is why – the first thing you need to do is connect, really connect with them.

Our system reminds me to connect with them on LinkedIn, send them an email, give them a call, go to their LinkedIn and ‘like’ and share some of their posts. I would forget who I have completed, and who I haven’t if I relied on my memory. So every few days the system reminds me to do the next piece.

While I am on their LinkedIn I take a look around and gather the following:

  1. Who do they ‘follow’
  2. Do we know/follow any of the same people
  3. How do they spend their spare time
  4. Do they have kids, pets, etc. (make note of names and approximate ages and if they are bragging on something they do – like a sport or hobby)
  5. Are they providing thought leadership in their circle of influence (if they have a Newsletter or business page I subscribe or follow that too)

I make notes of all this in their digital record (we use Active Campaign) so I can refer back to it at any time and don’t have to do this exercise of research each time before a call.

Now when you set that call, or that meeting, you not only have a better sense of who they are, what you may have in common, but they see your comments, likes, and shares. They feel like they already know you – already have at least a digital connection to you. (which by the way makes setting the call and even getting the appointment way easier!)

Set the agenda.

No, it doesn’t have to have a written agenda but it is smart to communicate the purpose of the call. This way they will know what to expect and be more relaxed, receptive, and not on-guard.

Make sure it is clear the benefit they will receive from meeting with you. Not just, “let’s just chat and see if we are a good fit.”

Good fit for what? For them to hire you? Now you have REALLY put them on guard!

There should be a powerful outcome, a desired result, that will come out of the meeting with you. Here are a few examples:

                If you are a life coach – Let’s chat for about 30 minutes and I will give you 5 or 6 ways you can start to move towards more harmony in your life.

                If you are a business coach – Let’s chat for about 30 minutes so I can better understand what you need and I will connect you to a few people in my network or resources that can help you accomplish that.

                If you are a Realtor or Mortgage Broker – Let’s chat for 15 or 20 minutes and I can fill you in on exactly what the market is doing and give you a checklist of what to consider and look for in your new home.

                If you are an Insurance Agent – Let’s chat for about 45 minutes and I will give you my expert opinion on where you stand right now in coverage and a checklist to take home to evaluate your protection.

You get the idea. Clear purposeful meeting. Not a date “to get to know each other”.

At the beginning of the call simply state again why you are together, and ask if there is anything else they want to be sure to chat about. You can even let them know that if there is a place you can come alongside them and help, you are happy to let them know, but if not, you will tell them and point them in the right direction.

During the call keep control of the conversation by being the question asker and listener.

If they do 80-90% of the talking it is a win! They are opening up to you, feeling a connection and deepened comfort level with you, and you are getting the information you need to lead them into the next step.

Plan out 3-5 questions you can ask – each getting closer to what you provide (the services or the products). Be sure your questions (we call them power questions and stump questions) get them thinking about their current situation, their feelings, as well as what they would prefer to see happening.

By having them open up to what is gnawing at them, what is keeping them up at night, what they need solved, and sharing with you what they dream and desire to have instead – you now have the language to show them how you can lead them to success.  Their own words will speak volumes to them.

If constructed correctly your questions will also tell you if they qualify to work with you, their commitment level (of time, money, and resources) will also be revealed, and if they have a budget.

As they share with you what they want to have in their life or business you can chime in with quick stories of others you have helped get there. This does a couple of things

  1. Shows them that you can (and have) lead others to success
  2. Gives you a way to talk about what you do without boring them with details of ‘how’ you do it

Simply saying something like:

“Funny you say that, Julie in our _____ program (or she started using our product/service) had a similar desire. She too wanted XYZ (their dream) and was frustrated because or ABC (their struggle). After about 3 months we were about to get her the results she was looking for.”

Now they are intrigued, they see you as a guide, someone that can get them to where they want to be. Next thing you know they will be asking you about your product or service!

Be prepared to not overwhelm them! Don’t go into every detail, how it all works, what all their responsibilities will be, the timeline, and on and on. Just lead them to take the first step. The rest will be down the path as you walk it together.

Whether they say no, yes, or maybe (let me think about it), you – once again – need a solid and strategic follow-up process. This process should include a WOW experience. Something that sets you apart from the-other-guy.

It can be as simple as a hand written note in the mail thanking them for their time or a few unexpected resources you send to them via email, snail-mail (post office), or hand delivered.

Leading people from a connection to a Yes doesn’t have to be terrifying or rocket science, but a process and a plan have to be in place. Create it, use it, refine as you go, and see the difference in your business almost instantaneously!

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